Andrew Keith

Andrew is a public financial management (PFM) and budget specialist with 30 years of knowledge on PFM, fiduciary risk assessment, budgeting, finance and administrative systems management, contract management, audit, and procurement. He has carried out fiduciary risk assessments and recipient financial assessments for a range of donors including DFID/UKAID, SIDA, Global Fund and ADB. He … Read more …

Martha Paren

Martha is a social sector consultant, providing strategic and capacity building support focused on innovative ways to scale and sustain social impact. She co-led the UK office of Spring Impact, a non-profit consultancy focused on scaling social impact, for seven years, where she led Spring Impact’s health practice and worked with organisations in the UK … Read more …

Dr Mayur Vibhuti

Mayur is a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners with a varied experience of medical education, innovation, and transformation roles in primary care. He is currently a GP Trainer and Health Education England GP Associate Dean for Kent & Medway Integrated Care System (ICS), GP Clinical Lead for Digital at Kent & Medway … Read more …

Dr Shubhanan Upadhyay

Shubs is a GP with extensive experience bringing clinical perspectives to digital health. He is Director of Medical Quality at Ada Health, and is also co-chair of the Clinical Evaluation Working Group at the ITU/WHO focus group AI for health. He also co-created Docolabs to connect healthcare professional input to shape digital health SME solutions. … Read more …

Dr Matthew Harris

Matthew is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Public Health, in the Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London, and he is an Honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine in the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.  Matthew’s research spans global health, innovation diffusion and primary care and health services research. Through his work … Read more …

Dr Mamsallah Faal-Omisore

Mamsallah is a practising GP/Family physician. With an MSc in Global Health Policy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Mamsallah is also a seasoned health policy consultant and is currently based between the UK and Nigeria. She began work as a GP in inner city London, before moving to South Africa to … Read more …