In 2021, there were estimated to be 529 million people worldwide, living with Diabetes and it is one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide[1]. Diabetes, along with its associated complications including heart disease, kidney disease, vision impairment, and limb amputation, severely affects a person’s quality of life and well-being. Reducing the diabetes … Read more …

Join Us for “NCDs in Humanitarian Settings – Voices from the Field” Online Seminar
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming online seminar, “NCDs in Humanitarian Settings – Voices from the Field“, on 27th November 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 GMT. This event will spotlight the innovative work of healthcare professionals delivering non-communicable disease (NCD) care in some of the most challenging humanitarian settings. Don’t miss the chance … Read more …

Transforming Healthcare Education: The Power of Digital Learning for the Health Workforce
Digital technologies have revolutionised various aspects of our lives, including education. Traditional learning models are rapidly changing as digital tools and resources integrate, giving rise to digital learning. This shift has the potential to transform training for the health workforce, empowering professionals to acquire and enhance their skills and knowledge more efficiently. The COVID-19 pandemic … Read more …

Access to Quality Healthcare for Cancer: A Fundamental Human Right and Social Justice Issue
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the treatment of cancer is far behind that of high-income countries (HICs). Inadequate investments in primary healthcare (PHC), the skills gap between cancer care providers in LMICs and their counterparts in HICs are some of the major obstacles to providing quality care for cancer patients in LMICs, along with … Read more …

How are humanitarians using AI tools like Chat GPT?
The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is rapidly growing in various industries and fields, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, the humanitarian sector and more. AI technology has the ability to automate routine tasks, analyse vast amounts of data, and make predictions or recommendations based on patterns and trends that humans may not detect. As AI … Read more …

Meet the CEO, Steve Murigi
1. Can you tell us about your background and how this led you to global health? Growing up in the rural countryside of Kenya in the early 80s was a critically formative period in my life. I was born to a mother who was barely out of high school, and I lived with my grandmother … Read more …

Humanitarian learning delivery: has the pandemic led to lasting change?
COVID-19, non-communicable diseases and poverty represent a global health emergency on a scale which is difficult to comprehend. However, there is a need for innovative solutions, co-created with partners and stakeholders, to address primary healthcare workforce capacity, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where health systems lack resilience and are inadequately equipped to respond … Read more …

Your top 10 PCI stories from 2022
At PCI, we like to share news of our projects and opinion pieces on a range of themes related to primary care. Here are the biggest hits on our website in 2022! Did you miss any of them? You can check them out: 1. PCI appoints Steve Murigi as new CEO as we said goodbye … Read more …

Making a commitment to planetary health
As shared on BOND’s website, we share why PCI has made a commitment to planetary health: the equitable co-existence of all people alongside our planet. By making this commitment we explicitly acknowledge the inter-connected needs of people and planet, and commit to reducing ecological harm and supporting mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate-resilient healthcare.

A strong primary health workforce as a crucial foundation for quality care in post-conflict setting
During the World Health Assembly we participated in a PHCPI blog series to highlight Primary Health Care as the foundation for achieving universal health coverage, health security and healthier populations globally. Two of our Clinical Associates shared practical learnings from a collaboration with the MoH Libya to promote a strengthened primary healthcare workforce empowered to deliver high-quality, evidence-based care to its population.