Mawaheb was trained as a mentor as part of our EU-funded project with IRC in Libya:
“This project engages health workers from small primary health facilities and invests in them to reach their full potential. As a mentor I have supported health workers from the Ministry of Health in delivering ‘cascade training’ with their colleagues. Attending the PCI run mentor-workshop really helped bring all the pieces together. Next steps for me are to continue to support the guidance and care pathways being implemented across the pilot sites.”
Read more about Mawaheb’s experience
Dr Aisha Liman
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianAisha is a Public Health Physician passionate about teaching and creating enabling environments for preventive medicine. She has worked in...
Allana Best
Health Systems AdvisorAllana is a Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. She holds a Master of Public Health degree from...
Dr Amparo Calderon
GP/Family PhysicianDrAmparo works as a GP / Family Physician in England. She originally graduated as a doctor in Colombia where she previously...
Dr Anbreen Slama-Chaudhry
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianAnbreen is a primary care doctor and a Swiss board certified specialist in General and Internal Medicine. As a practising...
Andrew Keith
Non-Executive Director (Finance)Andrew is a public financial management (PFM) and budget specialist with 30 years of knowledge on PFM, fiduciary risk assessment...
Dr Anushka Mehrotra
GP / Health Systems AdvisorAnushka is a GP/Family Physician in diverse South East London, working with a multi-cultural community. One of her...
Dr Ahmed Alboksmaty
Dr Ahmed Alboksmaty is a medical doctor and public health professional, working as a Clinical Research Fellow and pursuing his...
Dr Aliki Traianou
Aliki is a Primary Care doctor and Global Health and Education Consultant. She holds an MSc in Primary Care from...
Dr. Aula Abbara
Aula is a consultant in Infectious Diseases/ General Medicine at Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust and an Honorary Clinical Senior...
Dr. Bashir Dirie Jama
SomalilandBashir works in a regional hospital in Somaliland and participated in our online 'Management of NCDs' course. Read more about...
Dr Catherine Kyobutungi
Catherine Kyobutungi is the Executive Director of the African Population and Health Research Center based in Nairobi, Kenya. She previously...
Dr David Mazza
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianDavid has more than twenty years of experience as a General Practitioner / Family Physician. Having led large urban practices, his...
Eatimad Abbas
Nurse/Midwife/Health System AdvisorEatimad is a Public Health Professional with a master’s degree in public health, Bachelor degree in nursing sciences and...
Edilu Robert
UgandaRobert Edilu was PCI’s first NCD ‘champion’ within the UNHCR programme and is now one of the facilitators...
Dr Happy Paulianne Mwete
BurundiHappy is in charge of the health centre at a refugee camp in Burundi. She participated in our online 'Management...
Dr Katy Linley
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianKaty is a UK-trained GP/family physician. As well as working in the UK, she has spent more than...
Dr Khairat Al Habbal
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianKhairat is a family physician, medical educator, consultant and researcher. She holds an MSc in Global Health Policy from the...
Dr Kiran Cheedella
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianKiran works as a GP in the UK and also with Queen Margaret University and the College of Medicine and...
Dr Maisun Elftise
GP/Family PhysicianMaisun is a GP/ Family physician in the UK working in an inner-city area. Currently working as a Consultant...
Dr Marwa Khattabi
GP/Family PhysicianDr Marwa Khattabi trained and worked as a General Practitioner/Family Physician in the West Midlands, UK.
Dr Matthew Harris
ChairMatthew is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Public Health, in the Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College...
Dr Mayur Vibhuti
Non-Executive DirectorMayur is a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners with a varied experience of medical education, innovation, and...
Dr Osama Saidoun
LibyaOsama participated in training as part of our EU-funded project with IRC in Libya:
Dr Penny Milner
Senior AssociatePenny is a GP with over 26 years experience of working in primary care in South East London with its...
Dr Philippa Harris
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianPhilippa initially trained as a physician with an interest in infectious diseases, tropical medicine and HIV and has worked with...
Dr Reina Alameddine
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianReina is a practising family physician and medical director of a primary health care center in Beirut. She also works...
Dr Renzo Guinto
Renzo Guinto (MD DrPH) is the Chief Planetary Health Scientist and Co-Founder of the newly established Sunway Centre for...
Dr Shams Syed
Dr Shams Syed is the Unit Head, Quality of Care, within the Department of Integrated Health Services in the UHC...
Dr Shubhanan Upadhyay
Non-Executive DirectorShubs is a GP with extensive experience bringing clinical perspectives to digital health. He is Director of Medical Quality at...
Dr. Sila Monthe
KenyaSila works in a refugee setting in rural north-west Kenya. She participated in our online 'Management of NCDs' course...
Dr Silvia Okamgba
GP/Family Medicine PhysicianSilvia is a UK qualified Family Physician currently based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She holds a Masters Degree in Health...
Dr Steve Pratt
Steve is a GP, appraiser and educator. He has worked in UK general practice for 30 years and also holds...
Edward Vukoni
UgandaEdward works in a clinic in a refgee camp in the west Nile region of Uganda. He participated in our...
Dr Floris Braat
GPDrDr. Floris works in the Netherlands as GP in different migrant centers and in a regular practise with patients with...
Gill Price
Head of ProgrammesGill has management responsibility for the development, performance, and quality of PCI’s international programmes, including fostering partnerships and seeking...
Dr Helen Bygrave
Senior AssociateDr Helen Bygrave trained as a doctor in the UK and continues to work as a GP in East London...
Jack Barton
Project ManagerJack has been a Project Manager at Primary Care International since 2017, where he leads the development and implementation of...
Judy Khanyola
Judy is a Registered Nurse/Midwife in Africa She is currently the Chair for the Center for Nursing and Midwifery...
Julia Bulkina
Finance ManagerJulia has management and operational responsibility for PCI’s finance function, including budgeting, forecasting, reporting, VAT, payroll, and overall management...
Kidest Nadew
Nurse/Health Systems AdvisorKidest is an experienced healthcare professional with extensive work experience in paediatrics clinical and community nursing (HIV and other blood...
Lundi-Anne Omam
Health Systems AdvisorLundi-Anne Omam is a Public Health expert with over a decade of experience developing, managing and coordinating primary health...
Dr Mamsallah Faal-Omisore
Strategy DirectorMamsallah is a practising GP/Family physician. With an MSc in Global Health Policy from the London School of Hygiene...
Martha Paren
Vice-chairMartha is a social sector consultant, providing strategic and capacity building support focused on innovative ways to scale and sustain...
Miata Johnson
TanzaniaMiata, Nurse and Public Health Officer with UNHCR, was part of a cohort of primary care clinicians we supported on...
Muhammad Alkasaby
Physician/PsychiatryMuhammad is a physician trained in psychiatry. He works at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) as...
Nelly Chepkong'a
Registered NurseNelly is a passionate health professional with close to 10 years of experience as a Kenyan Registered Nurse. She has...
Dr Peter Le Feuvre
Honorary Clinical AdvisorPeter is a GP / family physician with thirty years experience in family medicine. In addition to his work with asylum...
Prof Ana Mocumbi
Ana is Associate Professor of Cardiology at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique and Head of NCD Research at National Institute of...
Dr Sarah Montgomery
Honorary Clinical AdvisorSarah is a GP / family physician with extensive international experience in building capacity in health care professionals in low and...
Shiv Kumar
A Social Investor, Shiv has 30 years of experience in solving complex social problems, in India and internationally. A post...
Tineke De Groot
Nurse/Health Systems AdvisorTineke is a Registered Nurse, international Public Health professional and Educational Trainer. She has worked in a variety of primary...